Shelter Dog Can’t Stop Smiling When He Finally Reunites With His Family

His reaction brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

It had been six months since Duke saw his family, but that didn’t make life at the shelter any easier. The young dog still missed them, still watched the door, hoping his dad would walk through.

For most of his life, Duke was a “military brat,” traveling the world with his family. But when his dad was unexpectedly called back to Germany, Duke couldn’t join the rest of his family due to an expired travel certificate. When extended family couldn’t provide long-term care, Duke found himself at Lynchburg Humane Society.

Lynchburg Humane Society

The shelter staff could see the confusion written across Duke’s face.

“When Duke first came to us, his world was turned upside down,” Claire LeFew, development and communications manager at Lynchburg Humane Society, told The Dodo. “It took our staff several days to earn his trust and show him it was safe for him to come out of his kennel. With kindness, love and lots of good treats, he got to know and love our staff and opened up.”

Lynchburg Humane Society

When Duke’s family was unable to return for him two months later, he was made available for adoption. But no one ever seemed like the right fit.

“He had a little bit of a slower time opening up to new people, which is very common for shelter dogs, and ultimately interested adopters ended up choosing other pets,” LeFew said.

Lynchburg Humane Society

It seemed like Duke was destined to remain in a shelter kennel instead of a loving family home. But just when all hope seemed lost, Duke’s biggest dream came true.

“Finally, in January they got the confirmation we’d been waiting for. They were coming back,” the shelter wrote in a Facebook post. “Duke’s dad always said his first stop in the States would be to pick up Duke, and it was.”

Lynchburg Humane Society

Duke didn’t know it as he was leashed and brought up from the kennels, but his life was about to change again. As he walked down the hallway, he heard his name being called, and it took him a second to place the voice. It was his mom. And there, next to her, was his dad — waiting with open arms.

Lynchburg Humane Society

Duke’s reaction to seeing his family again after half a year brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

“He started wiggling his whole body. When he got to them, he crawled into their laps immediately,” LeFew said. “His family was overjoyed, all smiles. There were a lot of happy tears from everyone witnessing it.”

Lynchburg Humane Society

Duke’s face said it all.

Lynchburg Humane Society

While they were across the sea, Duke’s family had been missing him as much as he’d missed them. With their dog back, they felt like they were finally complete again and all their hearts could heal.

Now, Duke spends his days basking in his family’s love and playing with his dog sister. And it’s all thanks to the shelter that kept him safe. “He had a little bit of a readjustment period with his (dog) sister reestablishing their routine, but they are back to being best friends!” Duke’s family wrote in an update. “They sleep together on a big dog bed and look for each other to go outside and play and relax together.”

To help dogs like Duke reunite with and find families of their own, you can make a donation to Lynchburg Humane Society.

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