‘Magnificent’: Curly Adoptable Kittens Set New Record At Animal Shelter

“I’d never seen kittens like that!”

Recently, when a person arrived to the Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts to surrender three kittens, care staff there were immediately smitten.

“You could call it a ‘cartoon moment’ — when eyes bugged and little hearts formed,” Amanda Eddy Baker, director of programs and operations at the shelter, told The Dodo. “I’d never seen kittens like that!”

These little ones were clearly unique.

Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts

The kittens are of a breed called Selkirk Rex, characterized by their naturally curly fur and nearly plush-like appearance.

Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts

“The staff was shocked, in the most delighted way!” Baker said. “We see so many kittens each year, but I tell you, it never gets old!”

Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts

As a relatively small animal shelter, processing around 500 pet adoptions per year, staff at
Scituate do their best to help each and every pet find a loving home.

But when it came to matching these curly kittens with potential adopters, very little promotion was needed.

Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts

This week, the shelter posted about the kittens on Facebook in hopes of finding them families — and things went bonkers.

“We had roughly 50 people email, which is A LOT for us!” Baker said. “I man the emails, and they were literally rolling in.”

Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts

Just 13 minutes after posting that the kittens were available — describing them as “magnificent” — each had been adopted.

It was a new record.

Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts

“We are very optimistic they will be amazing cats!” Baker said. “They were already super social when they came in, a great sign.”

While these three kittens will soon be off to enjoy their lives as cherished pets, there are no shortage of shelter cats in need of homes. Though some may be shy or skittish at first, these harder-to-adopt cats are equally deserving of forever homes — and will no doubt reward their adopters with a lifetime of love.

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