Dog Plays Dead When He Realizes His Morning Walk Is About To End

“It was just so funny.”

A few weeks back, Jecuer was working at his office in Madrid, Spain, when a his attention was captivated by a scene outside in the plaza below.

Glancing out the window, Jecuer noticed a man, whom he’d never seen before, out for a walk with his dog. And it wasn’t going well.

“I don’t know if they were heading home, or if they had just left on their walk, but the dog just decided to stop walking,” Jecuer told The Dodo. “It was just so funny.”

With that, Jecuer dropped everything to record the moment on video:

“This went on for several minutes,” Jecuer said. “Eventually, the owner was able to convince the dog to get going again.”

Seeing the stranger’s comical struggle and the dog’s adorable protestations, Jecuer’s day was made. But his was not the only one. After Jecuer shared the video online, it garnered over a million views.

Among those who watched it was a man named Chomin.

Turns out, that’s him in the video with his dog, Louie.


Chomin was surprised that the random video of him and Louie had gone viral. For him, the scene it depicts is an everyday occurrence.

“It’s nothing new,” Chomin told The Dodo. “When he sees that we are going home [from a walk], he almost always drops to the ground and wants to play and not move.”

Passersby love to see it, Chomin said, as it often gives them a chance to request a snuggle.


“He attracts a lot of attention. People stop to pet him or make comments like, ‘What a pretty dog, how handsome he is,’ etc.,” Chomin said, adding that Louie just eats it up. “Even if it takes 2 or 3 hours in the morning [to get home], he always asks for more time on the street.”

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