Bus Driver Does The Kindest Thing For Lost Dog Alone In The Rain

She saved the day ❤️

Earlier this month, Wisconsin’s Milwaukee County Transit System shared a story of kindness and compassion exhibited by one of their bus drivers, identified as Stephany K.

While driving her route on a rainy day, with just a couple of passengers aboard her bus, Stephany spotted someone stranded all alone on the street. It was a sopping-wet dog, appearing frantic and lost among passing cars.

Milwaukee County Transit System

Rather than continue on her way, hoping some other Good Samaritan might stop to assist the dog, Stephany decided to drop everything to help herself.

Opening the door to her bus, Stephany called out to the pup, welcoming him aboard.

Here’s footage of that moment:

In the end, Stephany reached out to law enforcement, who came to take the dog to safety.

Milwaukee County Transit System

Stephany later learned that the dog and his worried owner were ultimately reunited — bringing the incident to happy conclusion, thanks in large part to her efforts.

“Our bus operators are the eyes and ears of the community,” a spokesperson for the Milwaukee County Transit System told The Dodo. “They are always looking out for the safety of others. It’s no surprise they find ways to make the world a little better every single day.”

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