Retired Police Dog Goes On Quick Walk And Ends Up Saving A Missing Person

“Once a hero, always a hero.”

Bear retired from the Sussex Police four years ago, but he’s never forgotten his training. The 12-year-old German shepherd now spends his days hogging the couch or bed, but if someone’s in need, nothing will stop him from helping.

In late November, Bear was out for a walk with his mom, Julia Pope, a former police officer, on the night of his birthday when he suddenly stopped and started indicating. He’d just had surgery and was still recovering, but he sensed something was wrong and dragged Pope to an area of dense undergrowth.

Thin Blue Paw

“This was his first proper walk since his surgery, and we thought it would be a gentle wander, but then it ended up being quite dramatic!” Pope said in a press release. “He located and alerted us to a vulnerable man. The man was confused, wet, cold and had fallen over, and was unable to get up unaided. I’m not sure he would have survived the night as it was extremely cold and almost dark at that point with no one else in the vicinity.”

Julia Pope

The senior dog proudly led everyone to safety and reunited the man — a vulnerable missing person — with his family.

“It’s an amazing stroke of luck, really, that we were in the right place at the right time,” Pope said, “two former police officers and a retired police dog.”

In addition to accidentally rescuing people, Bear volunteers as a wellbeing dog, visiting police stations after a traumatic event or just to bring a little joy. He just seems to have a sixth sense for when people need him.

Julia Pope

“He absolutely loves doing this and going back into the police stations, and will badger staff constantly to play with him!” Pope told The Dodo. “He is also very good at working out if an individual is struggling. On one occasion, I looked around and he had disappeared, he had made his way across a crowded department, ignoring everyone else, and I found him sitting next to a member of staff who had lost her own dog in tragic circumstances a few days before.”

Julia Pope

As much as Bear gives back to the community, he gets support in return from the Thin Blue Paw Foundation, a charity that rehabilitates, protects and supports working and retired police dogs across the UK.

Years of demanding police work have taken a toll on Bear’s body, but Thin Blue Paw makes sure Bear has everything he needs to stay active and healthy. While Bear is a hero to his family and community every day, his latest rescue has earned him even more treats.

“He’s a really special dog and we’re very proud of him,” Pope said.

To learn more about how you can support retired police dogs like Bear, you can visit the Thin Blue Paw website.

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