“[W]e have never come across a situation like this.”
Nestled in a tree in Guernsey, an island in the English Channel, an owl box waited for its newest resident to build a home inside. Property owners installed a camera in the box, eager to catch a glimpse of the birds nestled within.
But when the owners recently checked the footage, they realized the box was home to someone else entirely.

Guernsey’s Lost & Found Pets
Cuddled up where the owls should’ve been was a mama cat and her litter of kittens.

Guernsey’s Lost & Found Pets
In need of expert help, property owners contacted rescuer Sue Vidamour of Guernsey’s Lost & Found Pets.
“While we [came] across a cat that had been living in a tree a few years ago, we have never come across a situation like this,” a representative from Guernsey’s Lost & Found Pets told The Dodo.

Vidamour kept watch over the family for a few days, ensuring they were safe and that the kittens had a chance to get the vitamins they needed from their mother’s milk.
Once enough time passed, Vidamour climbed up to the box and moved the kittens to steady ground.

Guernsey’s Lost & Found Pets
“The kittens are now 2 weeks old and they are safe, being hand reared by the staff at our local vets, who have been bottle feeding them with kitten milk every two to three hours,” the representative said.
Rescuers are currently working to capture the mother cat, who escaped into the surrounding trees. They’re hopeful that she’ll wander into one of their humane traps soon.

Guernsey’s Lost & Found Pets
Meanwhile, the babies are all looking forward to bright futures.
“The kittens already have homes lined up, they are progressing really well,” the representative said. “They are the lucky ones.”